As continuation for my previous post I want to create a nancy service to run my cron jobs.

The source is here.

A service to run jobs:

module Service =
    let start (logger:ILogger) (items:Item[]) =
        let version = Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions.PlatformServices.Default.Application.ApplicationVersion
        logger.LogInformation("Staring service {version}", version)
        let itemCount = Array.length items
        logger.LogInformation("Item count is {Length}", itemCount)
        let proceedItem item =
            async {
                logger.LogTrace("ExecuteForItem {ip}",
        let jobs = items |> (fun item ->
                action = proceedItem item;
                cron = item.cron
        let daemon = run jobs
        logger.LogInformation("Started service")

It contains only method start to create cron daemon.

All other classes is related to Nancy platform and it is easy to write using nancy documentation.