Hi, there!

Finally I am tired because of all advertisements which we have in any simple radio mobile application. I just want to listen radio and that is all! Quite simple, hah?

So I decided to create a simple radio mobile application by myself. I thought about Xamarin as I have some experience in creating application using it. But I decided to use new framework for me and it is Ionic. I am very impressed how cool it is and how easy to create application using it. It took about 2 hours to install all dependencies (ionic, android studio, java), deploy and run a first version of my application on my android device. Quite fast!

I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

Please find the steps below:

  1. I have installed ionic framework using this link and create blank application: ionic start radioOn blank.
  2. And that is all, to start our application need to run ionic serve.
  3. As I want to listen an online radio, I need to create a provider to listen online stream: Html5Audio:
import { Injectable, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

export class Html5Audio {
    ended = new EventEmitter();

    private pad2(number) { (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number; }

    audioPlayer: any;
    time: string;
    isPlaying = false;
    readyStateInterval = null;
    url: string;

    public play(url: string) {
        if (this.audioPlayer) {
        this.url = url;
        this.audioPlayer = new Audio(this.url);
        this.isPlaying = true;

        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
            if (this.audioPlayer) {
                var s = this.audioPlayer.currentTime % 60;
                var m = (this.audioPlayer.currentTime / 60) % 60;
                var h = ((this.audioPlayer.currentTime / 60) / 60) % 60;
                if (this.isPlaying && this.audioPlayer.currentTime > 0) {
                    this.time = this.pad2(h) + ':' + this.pad2(m) + ':' + this.pad2(s);
        }, false);
        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("error", (ex) => {
        }, false);
        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("canplay", () => {
            console.log('CAN PLAY');
        }, false);
        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("waiting", () => {
            this.isPlaying = false;
        }, false);
        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("playing", () => {
            this.isPlaying = true;
        }, false);
        this.audioPlayer.addEventListener("ended", () => {
        }, false);

    pause() {
        this.isPlaying = false;

    stop() {
        this.isPlaying = false;
        this.audioPlayer = null;
  1. It has been imported to /src/app/app.module.
  2. There is only one page with a list of stations (I have only 3 which I listen). Click on a station - starting this station, and there is one button to stop music(link). That is all. Simple!
  3. After that we need to prepare icon and splash image for application. I am using game-icons to create an icon and unspalsh to find full size images.
  4. Need to put created icon.png and splash.png to /resources/icon.png and /resources/splash.png and run the next command ionic cordova resources (you have to have an account in Ionic portal and it is free).
  5. To deploy our application need to run ionic cordova build android --prod --release and it will create *.apk file. We need to sign it using 'Sign Android APK' section from here.
  6. That is all. We have signed apk which we can copy on our device and install.

Please find my project here. Signed apk file here.

How it looks like:
